The 6th Regional SCRUM GATHERING Tokyo offers a unique opportunity for your company to introduce yourself to Scrum community members from every level of the organization. We sincerely look forward to your participation and support. For information about sponsoring this event, download the document (English / Japanese) here.
Become part of something bigger than you alone. Founded in 2001, Scrum Alliance® is the largest, most established and influential professional membership and certification organization in the Agile community. Scrum Alliance® is a nonprofit association, having certified more than 450,000 individuals worldwide. Its vision is to "Transform the World of Work" with a mission to guide and inspire individuals, leaders, and organizations with practices, principles, and values that create workplaces that are joyful, prosperous, and sustainable. Come sprint with us at www.ScrumAlliance.org.
ひとりきりでいるよりも何かの一員に。Scrum Alliance®の設立は2001年で、アジャイルコミュニティにおいて、最大かつ最も定評があり勢力のある専門家の会員組織であり認定組織です。Scrum Alliance®は非営利組織で、世界中に45万人以上の認定者がいます。「仕事の世界をがらっと変えよう」をビジョンとし、プラクティスや価値と原則を持って、個々人、リーダー、組織をガイドし、インスピレーションを与えることで、喜びに溢れる豊かで持続可能なワークプレイスを創造することをミッションとしています。さあ、www.ScrumAlliance.orgで一緒にスプリントしましょう!